Wow, what a city! We are staying right on Leblon beach, which is right next to Ipenema (yes, where the girl is from), which is next to Copacabana. We arrived Saturday aftenoon and the beach and roads leading to the beaches were packed. It seems everyone in Rio goes to the beach on their days off. Quite a variety people. You can rent a beach chair, umbrella, buy beer, Smirnoff Ice or any other beverage that you can think of.
The Ipanema band had a practice parade on Saturday night, a warm up for Carnival. It was great, but lots of people drinking and dancing. There are over 400 samba schools that participate and they each get about 7 minutes of fame! We had a chance to peak into the area where they are building the floats for the parade, it looks like a Hollywood movie studio. The floats were hidden, so they could not be seen from the outside, we got to sneak a look with our guide, Saint Clair (Sinclair), who belongs to one of the samba schools. The floats are amazing, so much work for one parade! Dozens of people working on one float, and the decorations are very elaborate. Each has a theme and is decorated. We saw a couple of African ones, ones from the sea, many with spirits and ghouls. They are made of fibreglass and then covered with material, mirrors, sequins, foam, whatever! They are huge, they carry dozens of people. Then the participants all wear costumes. We were not allowed to take pictures, unfortunately, its very secretive. We saw the area where they were making the costumes for a British themed float, horse costumes, little "Mini" cars that people wear.
The people who work on the floats make 400 Real ($225) every 2 weeks, they often work double shifts and sleep at the sight. It is hard, hot work, welding fibreglassing, sanding, gluing, sewing. In the middle of the work area is a large food court with all kinds of kiosks selling food and drinks for the workers. The Brazilians are not much for taking their own lunches, which is surprising as Brazil is very expensive! Even the British and French are taken aback by the prices. The people are very friendly.
We also visited one of the favelas, which is like a shanty town. It is where to poor live, there is some crime, but for the most part, it is the working poor. Brazil and Rio are very expensive places to live.
The view of the favela from the cable car, which was built by the government
Ipanema and Leblon beach from our hotel room
We are at a little cafe having lunch at 1600! The chairs are getting hard, more on Rio next time.
We would love to hear from you.
Kim and Dan
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